Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

I just wrote a whole post and realized that I put it in the wrong place and lost it all!  I will get this some day.  I am sorry that I haven't been keeping up.  Every time I pull the computer out, I have two curious little boys that want to know, touch, and see what I'm doing. 

Happy Valentine's Day (late) to all of you!  Thank you for all of your love and friendship.  You all mean so much to us.

We had a nice Valentine's Day.  I woke up to two girls who brought me a singing telegram from Jared.  I was cute as I wiped the sleep out of my eyes.  Then Owen was so excited for Valentine's Day that he had to show me the flowers and card that Jared gave to me.  He was even more happy when I pulled out the Thomas the train heart card that I made and candy and balloon that I got for each of them.  It's so cute to see them excited.

Then we invited Tiffany and Matthew over for breakfast to give them their Valentine's cards.  I made heart-shaped pancakes and everyone was amazed!  Mom's are magic!
We had an even bigger surprise when we drove by our lot and found a hole where our home will one day be.  The boys enjoyed watching the backhoe and the dump truck.  Then we had to get Jared and take him over to see our hole.  It is coming along quite quickly these past few days that we've drove by.  They have been taking advantage of this clear, dry weather.  Today we drove by and they have the forms up and will be pouring our basement tomorrow.  So needless to say, we are thrilled!!  I don't have any pictures today, but will get some soon.

This past Sunday we met our next-door neighbors who are thrilled that we are moving in.  They are really nice and have a little girl that is Aidan's age.  Today we also met some old neighbors of Jared's who will also be building soon.  We are happy to have such nice people, so far, in our neighborhood.

Thank you for all you that have posted.  It's nice to hear from you.  Keep them coming!

Lots of love!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on building a house! That's so exciting!

I am addicted to blogging, so I'll be checking back with yours to see how things are going! I update my blog daily, usually. It's my way of keeping a journal for Harli to look back on, and for our family and friends to keep updated on what we're doing, too.

Shari Meager (she's since married, but I don't know her married name) lives in Logan as well! I think she has two or three kids.

You'll have to let me know what Angela and Natalie are up to. I'd love to hear from them as well.


Bobette said...

Wow, your house will be done before you know it. Thank you so much for Andrew's valentine. He was so excited to get it. I'm sorry we didn't get one sent to Owen. I didn't get any out this year. Andrew says hi to Owen.

Emily said...

Yea! I am so excited to see your house getting started! Your blog is darling... I love the pix of the boys! We will be up on Saturday- so plan on Lunch somewhere.... We'll call later.
Love ya!