Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Super Survey: Getting to Know Me...

I've been tagged, so here goes:

Where were you born?  Vernal, UT

Middle name:  None, but I always wished that I did.

Nicknames:  Mich, Shelley, Shells

Are you taller than your mother or father?  Mom, yes, Dad, no

Do you cry often during movies?  More now than ever before!

What is your biggest pet peeve?  Littering, gum chewing/smacking

Favorite color:  Depends, but right now, I really like orange and green

Favorite foods:  Italian and cheesecake or raspberry cheesecake shakes (arctic circle-yumm)

Favorite beverage:  raspberry lemonade with real raspberries in it

Favorite cold cereal:  Golden grahams

Favorite smells:  clean laundry, clean babies, homemade bread, and a clean-shaven husband

Favorite time of day:  Evening when it's quiet

Favorite makeup products:  Mary Kay--always makes my skin look better.

How many pillows do you sleep with? two 

Do you play an instrument?  piano, tiny bit guitar, and once upon a time the clarinet.

Did you play any sports in High School?  Soccer, one year.

What was the last movie you saw in the theater?  National Treasure or 27 dresses I can't remember.

What is your favorite article of clothing?  My sweatshirt these days

What is your dream vacation?  A month or two in Italy renting an apartment and living there.

What was the first impression of your spouse?  He was the ward clerk in my single's ward and got my name, but I didn't think much about it.  Then we were at a ward activity later, playing a get to know you game, and he kept throwing the ball at me and I was a little annoyed--just a little though.

If you were an animal what would you be?  Maybe a cat--walk around like I owned the place,eat,  get fat, and take naps all day.

What is your favorite "me-time" activity?  Scrapbooking and working out, if I can.

Favorite TV shows:  Grey's Anatomy, the Office, Project Runway, LOST, Dancing with the Stars

What is your dream car?  I haven't thought about this for a long time, but something sporty and fun and bright.

What is one of your weaknesses?  Being on time and being patient with my kids.

What do you fix for dinner when there is nothing to fix?  Breakfast

If you could live in a different decade/era which one would it be?  Maybe late 1800's if I were rich.

What is the emotion you feel the most?  Frustrated

Do you consider yourself outgoing?  Sometimes

What is something you are constantly working on?  Being more easy going with my kids

Any hidden talents?  I give great speeches--in my head!

What is a word or phrase you overuse?  Talk to Owen, he says most of them.

What was the hardest thing(s) that happened to you this past year?  Thinking that my mom might die, losing Jared's dad, and moving to Logan leaving all my friends.

What is the best thing that happened to you this past year?  Vacation to Nauvoo and Wisconsin with Jared.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish this year?  Lose my last 35 lbs to look like a hot mama! 

The best piece of advice you learned this past year?  Make every moment count because you don't know how long you will have with those you love and Heavenly Father will always guide you if you will listen and obey.

I tag:  Angela Young, Camille Clark, Nora Thompson, and Stephanie Jones


Jesenia said...

I don't know how I found your blog, so I am going to mark it, or I will never find my way back. How are you. We actually might be living in Logan next year for a little while, Bryan put in to do an internship at the Logan hospital, so I am excited because I will have a friend. That is excting that you are building. Good luck. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged! See my blog for details!