Saturday, March 8, 2008

The BIG picture

Friday night, I was able to scrapbook some photos of the boys AND I was able to get in a couple of good movies:  Jane Eyre and Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.   Both good movies, by the way.  As I was finishing up and putting their pages in their albums, I started looking over the other pages I had done. And to my surprise, there were a few that were very inspiring to read.  I know I get bogged down in the everyday little things and sometimes it's nice to find something, like Owen's scrapbook, to help me see the big picture and remind me that being a mom is a very special job.  It's so easy to forget how lucky I am to be able to share these moments with my kids and also to be able to see them learn and grow right before my eyes.  I guess this hit me this week because I've had such a rough week with the boys--always feeling like I'm fighting a battle.  But hopefully I can start on the right foot this week and do better.  Plus I realized that my journaling isn't so bad sometimes and I shouldn't make it such a big deal.  Everything doesn't always have to be perfect!!  So I guess I've learned this week to take a step back and look at the big picture to find what really matters.

1 comment:

Bobette said...

I think I've had those same feelings this last week. Sometimes it does take something so little for us to realize how important it is to be a mom. Andrew also loved the e-card. It was cute and funny. Thanks Owen!